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简瑶 讲师

发布日期:2021-05-11    作者:简瑶     来源:     点击:





1.  Jian Y, Jin Z, Qi S, Da X, Wang Z, Wang X, Zhou Q, An alkynyl-dangling Ru(II) polypyridine complex for targeted antimicrobial photodynamic therapy [J].  Chemistry - A European Journal, 2022, 28: e202103359.

2. Jian Y, Peng Y, Zhou W, Xu Y, Li C, Wang X, Zhou Q, Ru(II) complexes with enaminone structures for rapid sterilization of Staphylococcus aureus and MRSA with little accumulation of drug resistance [J]. ChemMedChem, 2023: e202300065.

3. Sun W1, Jian Y1, Zhou M, Yao Y, Tian N, Li C, Chen J, Wang X, Zhou Q, Selective and efficient photoinactivation of intracellular Staphylococcus aureus and MRSA with little accumulation of drug resistance: application of a Ru(II) complex with photolabile ligands [J]. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2021, 64 (11): 7359-7370.

4. Jin Z, Qi S, Guo X, Jian Y, Hou Y, Li C, Wang X, Zhou Q, The modification of a pyrene group makes a Ru(II) complex versatile [J]. Chemical Communications, 2021, 57 (26): 3259-3262.

5. Qi S, Jin Z, Jian Y, Hou Y, Li C, Zhao Y, Wang X, Zhou Q, Photo-induced mitochondrial DNA damage and NADH depletion by -NO2 modified Ru(II) complexes [J]. Chemical Communications, 2021, 57 (34): 4162-4165.

6. Da X, Wang Z, Jian Y, Zhang C, Hou Y, Yao Y, Wang X, Zhou Q, A targeted and efficient CDT system with photocatalytic supplement of H2O2 and hydroxyl radical production at a neutral Ph [J]. Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2022, 9 (11): 2544-2556.

7. Da X, Yu F H, Zhang C, Wang Z, Jian Y, Hou Y, Chen Y, Wang X, Zhou Q, A bioorthogonal assembly based on metallophilic interactions for selective imaging and PDT treatment of cancer cells [J]. Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2022, 9: 2290-2297.

8. Wang Z, Gao C, Da X, Jian Y, Zhang C, Yao Y, Wang X, Zhou Q, Biocompatible hypocrellin A-Fe(III) nanoparticles exhibiting efficient photo-activated CDT in vitro and in vivo [J]. Dalton Transactions, 2022, 51 (8): 3225-3233.

9. Jin Z, Qi S, Guo X, Jian Y, Hou Y, Li C, Wang X, Zhou Q, Pyrene modification enables enhanced two-photon excited ligand dissociation of a Ru(II) complex containing monodentate ligands [J]. Inorganica Chimica Acta 2021, 524: 120435.

E-mail: jianyao@swmu.edu.cn
