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高蝶 教授 (硕士生导师)

发布日期:2022-02-13    作者:高蝶     来源:     点击:

高蝶: 女,出生日期:198912月。西南医科大学药学院药物分析教研室主任,教授,硕士研究生导师,第十四批四川省卫健委学术技术带头人后备人选;先后被评为本科生优秀指导教师(2019-2021)、西南医科大学优秀个人(2019)、优秀研究生导师(2020-2021);在2020年西南医科大学人才科技工作大会上荣获“科技工作先进个人优秀科技成果奖”;2023年荣获西南医科大学“十大杰出青年”。截止目前,发表SCI文章70余篇,其中以第一或通讯作者在Chemistry of MaterialsACS Applied Materials & InterfacesJournal of Colloid and Interface ScienceFood Chemistry等期刊发表研究性论文56篇。担任Journal of Hazardous MaterialsACS Applied Materials & InterfacesSCI期刊的审稿专家。主持国家自然科学基金项目、四川省自然科学基金、厅局级和校级项目共计6项。社会作用:担任西南医科大学司法鉴定中心法医毒物鉴定人,主要负责血液中毒(药)物的检测。


E-mail: gaodie_1203@126.com










1. 样品前处理领域



2. 荧光传感领域



3. 光催化降解领域:具有光催化降解性能的COFs及其复合物的研制及应用研究


1. 药物分析学(学术型硕士)

2. 药学硕士(药物质量控制、专业型硕士)


1. 限进分子印迹-固相微萃取活体取样新技术及其药物代谢分析应用研究(21904109),国家自然科学基金青年项目,2020.01-2022.1250万元(含匹配),项目负责人。

2. 基于磁性共价有机骨架的M-D-μ-SPE新方法的构建及在食品污染物快速富集与检测中的应用研究(23NSFSC5092),2023.01-2024.12,四川省自然科学基金项目,10万元,项目负责人。

3., 基于碳点/共价有机骨架/分子印迹复合材料的超灵敏荧光传感器的研制及在污染物富集检测中的应用(ZNJW2024KFMS005, 2024-01 2024-12, 15万元, 智能警务四川省重点实验室面上项目, 15万元,项目负责人。

4. 基于PPARs的两种中药抗II型糖尿病活性成分高效筛选新方法的建立(2020LZXNYDJ25)泸州市-西南医科大学联合项目, 2020.112023.10, 10万元,项目负责人。

5. 共价有机骨架材料-固相微萃取新方法的构建及在药物活体分析中的应用研究(21YYJC0053),西南医科大学校级项目,2021.122023.1110万元,项目负责人。

6. 西南医科大学特别人才培育计划项目,2021.01-2023.12, 10万,项目负责人。


[1] Y.M. Zou, L.C. Wang, Q.Y. Liu, Y.L. Yang, D.D. Wang, Y.Q. Tao, M.Y. Wang, L.L. Li, M. Tian, J.J. Wang, Z. Wen, X. Li*, D. Gao*, Fusion of materials with directional-selection and family-selection properties to prepare covalent organic framework composite with superior selective adsorption performance, Sep. Purif. Technol. 329 (2024) 125169.

[2] L.C. Wang#, Q.Y. Liu#, Y.M. Zou, S.C. Liu, Y.L. Yang, Y.Q. Tao, M.Y. Wang, L.L. Li, D.D. Wang*, D. Gao*, Magnetic molecular imprinted covalent organic framework composite for the magnetic solid-phase extraction of bisphenol AF, J. Chromatogr. A 1717 (2024) 464693.

[3] M. Tian#, D.D. Wang#, Q.Y. Liu, L.C. Wang, Y.Q. Tao, J.J. Wang, Y.M. Zou, Y.L. Yang, Q. Zhou, L.L. Li, M.Y. Wang, X. Li*, D. Gao*, Deep eutectic solvent assisted synthesis of N,Cl co-doped carbon dots using longan shell waste: Applications in antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and Fe2+ detection, J. Mol. Liq. 397 (2024) 124131.

[4] Y.L. Yang, Q.Y. Liu, Y.M. Zou, M. Tian, L.C. Wang, L.L. Li, M.Y. Wang, Y.Q. Tao, J.J. Wang, Z. Wen, F.M. Ke, D.D. Wang*, D. Gao*, Covalent assembly synthesis of covalent organic framework and MXene based composite for the adsorption of fluoroquinolones, J. Environ. Chem. Eng. 11(5) (2023) 110975.

[5] Q.Y. Liu, Y.M. Zou, Y.L. Yang, L.C. Wang, L.L. Li, M.Y. Wang, M. Tian, J.J. Wang, Y.Q. Tao, D.D. Wang*, D. Gao*, Fabrication of a novel dual-emission fluorescence covalent organic framework and its luminescent hybrid hydrogel material: Application in the detection and adsorption of eriochrome azo anionic dyes, Mater. Today Chem. 34 (2023) 101810.

[6] J.J. Wang, L.C. Wang, M. Tian, Y.Q. Tao, Q.Y. Liu, Y.M. Zou, Y.L. Yang, Z. Wen, X. Liu, M.Y. Wang, L.L. Li, D.D. Wang*, D. Gao*, Fabrication of high-crystallinity covalent organic framework and its nylon based membrane: Application in the enrichment and interception of dyes, J. Environ. Chem. Eng. 11(5) (2023) 110989.

[7] L.C. Wang#, D.D. Wang#, Y.Q. Tao, J.J. Wang, M. Tian, Q.Y. Liu, Y.L. Yang, Y.M. Zou, F.M. Ke, X.R. Guo, X. Li*, D. Gao*, Phenylboronic acid functionalized high-crystallinity fluorescent covalent organic framework act as a sensing platform with dual performance for rifamycin antibiotics and water and adsorbent for rifamycin antibiotics, Mater. Today Chem. 32 (2023) 101647.

[8] L.L. Deng, L.C. Wang, S.C. Liu, Q.Y. Liu, J.J. Wang, Y.Q. Tao, M. Tian, Y.L. Yang, Y.M. Zou, H. Niu, D.D. Wang*, D. Gao*, A general synthetic strategy for the synthesis of imine-linked covalent organic frameworks in choline chloride-hexafluoroisopropanol-based deep eutectic solvents, Macromolecules 56(19) (2023) 7707-7720.

[9] Y.Q. Tao#, R.L. Wan#, J.J. Wang, Q.Y. Liu, M. Tian, L.C. Wang, Y.L. Yang, Y.M. Zou, Y.N. Luo, F.M. Ke, Q. Zhou, D.D. Wang*, D. Gao*, Carbonized human hair derived carbon dots for detection of clozapine, Spectrochim. Acta A 298 (2023) 122803.

[10] J.J. Wang, Y.Q. Tao, D.D. Wang, L.C. Wang, M. Tian, Y.L. Yang, Q.Y. Liu, Y.M. Zou, Q. Zhou, F.M. Ke, D. Gao*, Fabrication of highly crystalline covalent organic framework for solid-phase extraction of three dyes from food and water samples, J. Sep. Sci. 46 (6) (2023) 2200996.

[11] L.J. Yang, S.C. Liu, T. Quan, Y.Q. Tao, M. Tian, L.C. Wang, J.J. Wang, D.D. Wang*, D. Gao*, Sulfuric-acid-mediated synthesis strategy for multi-colour aggregation-induced emission fluorescent carbon dots: Application in anti-counterfeiting, information encryption, and rapid cytoplasmic imaging. J. Colloid Interf. Sci. 612 (2022) 650-663.

[12] T. Quan, Y.Q. Tao, J.J. Wang, S.C. Liu, L.J. Yang, L.C. Wang, Q.Y. Liu, Y.L. Yang, Y.M. Zou, M. Tian, D.D. Wang*, D. Gao*, Hydroxyl-riched covalent organic framework for solid-phase microextraction of flavonoids aglycones or their metabolites in mice’s plasma: Luteolin and quercetagetin as examples. J. Chromatogr. A 1681 (2022) 463478.

[13] S.C. Liu, L.J. Yang, T. Quan, L.L. Deng, D.D. Wang, K.L. Zhang, L.C. Wang, J.J. Wang, F.M. Ke, X. Li*, D. Gao*, Glutathione-functionalized highly crystalline fluorescent covalent organic framework as a fluorescence-sensing and adsorption double platform for cationic dyes. Sep. Purif. Technol. 288 (2022) 120673.

[14] L.C. Wang, Y.Q. Tao, J.J. Wang, M. Tian, S.C. Liu, T. Quan, L.L. Yang, D.D. Wang, X. Li*, D. Gao*, A novel hydroxyl-riched covalent organic framework as an advanced adsorbent for the adsorption of anionic azo dyes. Anal. Chim. Acta 1227 (2022) 340329.

[15] Y.Q. Tao, L.J. Yang, M. Tian, D.D. Wang, L.C. Wang, J.J. Wang, T. Quan, S. C. Liu, K. L. Zhang, Z. N. Xia*, D. Gao*, Acid-mediated synthesis coupled with liquid–liquid extraction separation for obtaining red and orange double-color carbon dots: Application for pH, water sensing and cell-imaging. Microchem. J. 182 (2022) 107901.

[16] L.J. Yang, L.M. Zeng, Y.Q. Tao, D.D. Wang, K.L. Zhang, M. Tian, Z.N. Xia*, D. Gao*, Galli Gigerii Endothelium Corneum derived fluorescent carbon dots and their application as sensing platform for nitroimidazoles and cell imaging. Microchem. J. 174 (2022) 107089.

[17] T. Quan, D.D. Wang, L.J. Yang, S.C. Liu, Y.Q. Tao, J.J. Wang, L.L. Deng, X. Kang, K.L. Zhang, Z.N. Xia*, D. Gao*, Effective extraction methods based on hydrophobic deep eutectic solvent coupled with functional molecularly imprinted polymers: Application on quercetagetin extraction from natural medicine and blood. Microchem. J. 174 (2022) 107076.

[18] L.J. Yang, D.D. Wang, Y.Y. Gong, T. Quan, Y.Q. Tao, S.C. Liu, L.C. Wang, J.J. Wang, M. Tian, D. Gao*, Sulfuric acid induced-synthesis coupled with ethanol extraction-water precipitation purification method for orange fluorescent carbon dots with dual-emission: Application for methyl blue detection and cell imaging. Spectrochim. Acta A 286 (2022) 121963.

[19] M. Tian#, L.J. Yang#, D.D. Wang, Y.Q. Tao, L.C. Wang, J.J. Wang, S.C. Liu, T. Quan, F.M. Ke, K.L. Zhang, X. Li*, D. Gao*, Preparation of sulphuric acid-mediated N,S-codoped red emissive carbon dots: Applications in food dyes detection, solid-state luminescence and cell imaging. Spectrochim. Acta A 281 (2022) 121581.

[20] S.C. Liu, T. Quan, L.J. Yang, L.L. Deng, X. Kang, M.J. Gao, Z.N. Xia, X. Li*, D. Gao*, N,Cl-codoped carbon dots from Impatiens balsamina L. Stems and a deep eutectic solvent and their applications for gram-positive bacteria identification, antibacterial activity, cell imaging, and ClO- sensing. ACS Omega 6 (2021) 29022-29036.

[21] M.J. Gao#, D.D. Wang#, L.L. Deng, S.C. Liu, K.L. Zhang, T. Quan, L.J. Yang, X. Kang, Z.N. Xia*, D. Gao*, High-crystallinity covalent organic framework synthesized in deep eutectic solvent: Potentially effective adsorbents alternative to macroporous resin for flavonoids. Chem. Mater. 33 (2021) 8036-8051.

[22] L.L. Deng, X. Kang, T. Quan, L.J. Yang, S.C. Liu, K.L. Zhang, M.J. Gao, Z.N. Xia*, D. Gao*, Highly crystalline covalent organic frameworks act as a dual-functional fluorescent-sensing platform for myricetin and water, and adsorbents for myricetin. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 13 (2021) 33449–33463.

[23] M. Wang, X. Kang, L.L. Deng, M. Wang, Z.N. Xia*, D. Gao*, Deep eutectic solvent assisted synthesis of carbon dots using Sophora flavescens Aiton modified with polyethyleneimine: Application in myricetin sensing and cell imaging, Food Chem. 345 (2021) 128817.

[24] X. Kang, L.L. Deng, T. Quan, M.J. Gao, K.L. Zhang, Z.N. Xia*, D. Gao*, Selective extraction of quinolizidine alkaloids from Sophora flavescens Aiton root using tailor-made deep eutectic solvents and magnetic molecularly imprinted polymers, Sep. Purif. Technol. 261 (2021) 118282.

[25] L.J. Yang, J. Zeng, T. Quan, S.C. Liu, L.L. Deng, X. Kang, Z.N. Xia*, D. Gao*, Liquid-liquid extraction and purification of oil red O derived nitrogen-doped highly photoluminescent carbon dots and their application as multi-functional sensing platform for Cu2+ and tetracycline antibiotics, Microchem. J. 168 (2021) 106391.

[26] L.L. Deng, X. Kang, K.L. Zhang, M.J. Gao, Q.F. Fu, Z.N. Xia, D. Gao*, Fabrication of covalent organic frameworks and its selective extraction of fluoronitrobenzenes from environmental samples, J. Chromatogr. A 1635 (2021)461704.

[27] M.J. Gao, L.L. Deng, X. Kang, Q.F. Fu. K.L. Zhamg, M. Wang, Z.N. Xia, D. Gao*, Core-shell structured magnetic covalent organic frameworks for magnetic solid-phase extraction of diphenylamine and its analogs, J. Chromatogr. A 1629 (2020) 461476.

[28] M, Wang, M.J. Gao, L.L. Deng, X. Kang, L.J. Yang, T. Quan, Z.N. Xia, D. Gao*, Composite material based on carbon dots and molecularly imprinted polymers: A facile probe for fluorescent detection of 4-nitrophenol, Nano, 15 (2020) 2050105.

[29] M. Wang, R. Shi, M.J. Gao, K.L. Zhang, L.L. Deng, Q.F. Fu, L.J. Wang, D. Gao*, Sensitivity fluorescent switching sensor for Cr (VI) and ascorbic acid detection based on orange peels-derived carbon dots modified with EDTA, Food Chem. 318 (2020) 126506.

[30] M. Wang, M. J. Gao, K.L. Zhang, L.J. Wang, J. Zeng, Z.N. Xia, Q.F. Fu, D. Gao*, A sensitive and selective fluorescent sensor for 2,4,6-trinitrophenol detection based on the composite material of magnetic covalent organic frameworks, molecularly imprinted polymers and carbon dots. Microchem. J. 154 (2020) 104590.