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王路军 副教授 (硕士生导师)

发布日期:2022-01-03    作者:     来源:     点击:

王路军,博士,西南医科大学科技处副处长,西南医科大学·泸州产业技术研究院院长,泰国清迈大学兼职博士生导师,药学院副教授,硕士生导师,四川省海外高层次留学人才,四川省科技青年联合会理事,四川省分析测试协会理事,西南医科大学第四届十佳青年创新带头人,西南医科大学青年科技人才特别支持计划项目获得者,西南医科大学优秀员工,西南医科大学本科优秀论文指导教师;担任Chinese Chemical LettersIF=9.1,中国科学院1区)、沈阳药科大学学报以及西南医科大学学报青年编委,是Angewandte Chemie International EditionTrends in Analytical ChemistryChemical Engineering Journal ACS Applied Materials and InterfaceAnalytica Chimica ActaTalantaJournal of chromatography A、《色谱》等杂志的长期审稿专家;目前主持国家自然科学基金、四川省科技厅面上项目、国家重点实验室开放课题、四川省教育厅重点项目以及泸州市科技厅等项目10余项;近年来在Trends in analytical chemistry Chemistry of MaterialsAnalytical Chemistry ACS Applied Materials & InterfacesNanoscaleAnalytica Chimica ActaJournal of chromatography A等高水平杂志上发表SCI论文40余篇,其中以第一通讯作者发表SCI论文30余篇单篇最高影响因子14.908总影响因子300余分,授权或申请国家发明专利8项;获得全国药物分析优秀论文三等奖1项,泸州市五四青年奖章集体1项,西南医科大学“卓越青年学者交流论坛”一等奖1项,泸州市药学会优秀论文二等奖多项。

二 研究方向

1. 基于色谱固定相分离分析的方法学研究,基于新型混合模式、亲水色谱固定相用于中药、环境、化妆品以及临床等实际样本的分离分析;

2. 新型手性固定相材料的创制,将新型智能响应材料、多孔材料等与传统手性拆分剂结合用于对映体的拆分,解决制药工厂、生物工厂等领域面临的实际问题;

3. 聚焦跨学科的发展,将3D打印技术与分析化学以及疾病检测领域融合,开发新型生物标志物、手性传感的新方法与技术;

4. 新型分离分析材料的产业化实践与探索

三 招生专业

1. 药物分析学(学术型硕士)

2. 药学硕士(药物质量控制、专业型硕士)


E-mail: wlj@swmu.edu.cn  

地址:西南医科大学城北校区(泸州市龙马潭区香林路11号)弘润楼428室,邮编 646000


2023.12-至今    西南医科大学,科技处副处长

2022.09-2023.12  西南医科大学,校团委副书记(挂职)

2018.12-至 今   西南医科大学,药学院,副教授/副研究员

2020.02-2021.04  捷克中欧技术研究院,博士后,合作教授Martin Pumera

2016.12-2018.11  西南医科大学,药学院,讲师

2011.09-2016.12 重庆大学,化学工程与技术,博士,导师:夏之宁

2007.09-2011.06  湘南学院,药学,学士


1. 西南医科大学司法鉴定中心法医毒物鉴定人

2. 广西壮族自治区/四川省自然科学基金的函评专家

3. 教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心硕士论文评审专家

4. 教育部学位中心本科抽检毕业论文评审专家

5. 企业委托相关科技成果评审专家

6. 各类SCI、中文核心期刊论文长期审稿专家



1. Honglin Yang, Bing Guo, Xuemei Dai, Meifang Liao, Jing Ou, Yaxin Yang, Lian Zhong, Yanyu Jiang, Jie Wen, Lujun Wang*. Octadecylamine dendrimers modified silica for novel mixed-mode liquid chromatographic stationary phases, Microchemical Journal. 2024, 197: 109798. (通讯作者,IF=5.304)


1. Meijun Wan, Yunchao Zheng, Xuemei Dai, Honglin Yang, Jingqiu Zhou, Jing Ou, Yaxin Yang, Meifang Liao, Zhining Xia*, Lujun Wang*. Click chemistry for the preparation of β-cyclodextrin grafting uniform spherical covalent organic framework materials for chiral separation, Chemistry of Materials, 2023, 35: 609–616. (通讯作者,IF=10.508TOP期刊)

2. Meijun Wan, Asha Jimu, Honglin Yang, Jingqiu Zhou, Xuemei Dai, Yunchao Zheng, Jing Ou, Yaxin Yang, Jing Liu, Lujun Wang*. MXene quantum dots enhanced 3D-printed electrochemical sensor for the highly sensitive detection of dopamine, Microchemical Journal. 2023, 184: 108180. (通讯作者,IF=5.304)

3. Honglin Yang, Xuemei Dai, Meifang Liao, Jing Ou, Yaxin Yang, Meijun Wan, Jingqiu Zhou, Lujun Wang*. Spherical covalent organic framework and gold nanoparticles modified 3D-printed nanocarbon electrode for the sensor of acetaminophen, Microchemical Journal. 2023, 189: 108547. (通讯作者,IF=5.304)

4. Jingqiu Zhou, Meijun Wan, Xuemei Dai, Honglin Yang, Yaxin Yang, Jing Ou, Meifang Liao, Jing Liu, Lujun Wang*. Polar-embedded phenyl dendritic stationary phase for multi-mode chromatographic separation, Microchemical Journal. 2023, 185: 108303. (通讯作者,IF=5.304)

5. Yaxin Yang, Jingqiu Zhou, Qiaojie Liang, Xuemei Dai, Honglin Yang, Meijun Wan, Jing Ou, Meifang Liao, Lujun Wang*. Comparing the separation performance of poly(ethyleneimine) embedded butyric and octanoic acid based chromatographic stationary phases, Journal of Chromatography A. 2023, 464268. (通讯作者,IF=4.601


1. Lujun Wang, Siowwoon Ng, Jyoti, Martin Pumera*. Al2O3/Covalent Organic Framework on 3D-Printed Nanocarbon Electrodes for Enhanced Biomarker Detection, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2022, 7: 9719-9727. (第一作者,IF=6.140)

2. Meijun Wan, Jingqiu Zhou, Honglin Yang, Xuemei Dai, Yunchao Zheng, Zhining Xia*, Lujun Wang*. Covalently N-Doped MXene Quantum Dots for Highly Stable Fluorescent Cu2+ Ion Sensor, ACS Applied Nano Materials. 2022, 8: 11715-11722. (第一作者,IF=6.140)

3. Xuemei Dai, Jingqiu Zhou, Honglin Yang, Meijun Wan, Yunchao Zheng, Jing Ou, Yaxin Yang, Meifang Liao, Lujun Wang*. Comparing the chromatographic performance of benzene and aniline end capped stationary phase synthesized by click chemistry, Microchemical Journal. 2022, 181: 107840. (通讯作者,IF=5.304)

4. Qiurong Luo, Meijun Wan, Jingqiu Zhou, Xuemei Dai, Honglin Yang, Fengjiao Zu, Yunchao Zheng, Lujun Wang*. Preparation and evaluation of a double-hydrophilic interaction stationary phase based on bovine serum albumin and graphene quantum dots modified silica, Journal of Chromatography A. 2022, 462933. (通讯作者,IF=4.601

5. Yunchao Zheng, Meijun Wan, Jingqiu Zhou, Xuemei Dai, Honglin Yang, Zhining Xia*, Lujun Wang*. One-pot method for the synthesis of β-cyclodextrin and covalent organic framework functionalized chiral stationary phase with mixed-mode retention mechanism, Journal of Chromatography A. 2022, 1662: 462731. (通讯作者,IF=4.601

6. Jingqiu Zhou, Yaxin Yang, Meijun Wan, Yunchao Zheng, Xuemei Dai, Honglin Yang, Lujun Wang*. Preparation and evaluation of an ionic liquid embedded C18 and cellulose co-functionalized stationary phase with mixed-mode and chiral separation abilities, Microchemical Journal. 2022, 175: 107123. (通讯作者,IF=5.304)


1. Lujun Wang, Wanli Gao, Siowwoon Ng, Martin Pumera*. Chiral Protein–Covalent Organic Framework 3D-Printed Structures as Chiral Biosensors. Analytical Chemistry. 2021, 93: 5277-5283. (第一作者,IF=8.008TOP期刊)

2. Lujun Wang, Martin Pumera. Recent advances of 3D printing in analytical chemistry: focus on microfluidic, separation, and extraction devices, TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2021, 135: 116151. (第一作者,IF=14.908TOP期刊)

3. Lujun Wang, Martin Pumera*. Covalently modified enzymatic 3D-printed bioelectrode, Microchimica Acta. 2021, 11: 1-8. (第一作者,IF=6.408)

4. Yunchao Zheng, Meijun Wan, Jingqiu Zhou, Qiurong Luo, Die Gao, Qifeng Fu, Jing Zeng, Fengjiao Zu, Lujun Wang*. Striped covalent organic frameworks modified stationary phase for mixed mode chromatography, Journal of Chromatography A. 2021, 1649: 462186.(通讯作者,IF=4.601

5. Qiurong Luo, Zhirong Zhong, Yunchao Zheng, Die Gao, Zhining Xia*, Lujun Wang*. Preparation and evaluation of a poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) derived graphene quantum dots based hydrophilic interaction and reversed-phase mixed-mode stationary phase for complex sample analysis, Talanta, 2021, 224: 121869. (通讯作者,IF=6.556)

6. Jiayao1, Lyu, Lujun Wang1, Xiaosheng Bai1, Xingjie Du1, Jun Wei, Jianxing Wang, Yan Lin, Zhenyu Chen, Zhongbing Liu, Jianming Wu*, Zhirong Zhong*. Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis by Serum Albumin Nanoparticles Coated with Mannose to Target Neutrophils. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2021, 13: 266-276. (共同一作,IF=10.383TOP期刊)

7. 骆秋蓉,王诗琦,王路军*,二维材料及其量子点在分离科学领域的研究进展,分析测试学报,2021, 40: 1246-1256.


1. Xiujun Ren, Qiurong Luo, Di Zhou, Kailian Zhang, Die Gao, Qifeng Fu, Jun Liu, Zhining Xia*, Lujun Wang*. Thermoresponsive chiral stationary phase functionalized with the copolymer of β-cyclodextrin and N-isopropylacrylamide for high performance liquid chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A. 20201618: 460904.(通讯作者,IF=4.759)

2. Qiurong Luo, Xiujun Ren, Siping Wei, Yunchao Zheng, Die Gao, Qifeng Fu, Zhining Xia, Lujun Wang*. Preparation and evaluation of a molybdenum disulfide quantum dots embedded C18 mixed-mode chromatographic stationary phase. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 2020, 415: 1365-1374. (通讯作者,IF=4.142)

3.Di Zhou, Yunchao Zheng, Qiurong Luo, Die Gao, Qifeng Fu, Kailian Zhang, Zhining Xia*, Lujun Wang*. Preparation of an aspartame and N-isopropyl acrylamide copolymer functionalized stationary phase with multi-mode and chiral separation abilities. Journal of Chromatography A, 2020, 1634: 461675.(通讯作者,IF=4.759)

4. Jingqiu Zhou, Xiujun Ren, Qiurong Luo, Die Gao, Qifeng Fu, Di Zhou, Fengjiao Zu, Zhining Xia, Lujun Wang*. Ionic liquid functionalized β-cyclodextrin and C18 mixed-mode stationary phase with achiral and chiral separation functions. Journal of Chromatography A, 2020, 1634: 461674. (通讯作者,IF=4.759)

5. Meijun Wan, Qiurong Luo, Xiujun Ren, Yunchao Zheng, Die Gao, Qifeng Fu, Fengjiao Zu, Zhining Xia, Lujun Wang*. Preparation and performance of a poly (ethyleneimine) embedded N-acetyl-L-phenylalanine mixed-mode stationary phase for HPLC. Microchemical Journal, 2020, 157: 105021. (通讯作者,IF=4.821)

6. Fengjiao Zu, Zhongwen Qian, Feng Li, Xiujun Ren, Qiurong Luo, Die Gao, Di Zhou, Kailian Zhang, Zhining Xia, Lujun Wang*. Poly (ethyleneimine) embedded octadecyl based stationary phase for multimodal chromatographic separation, Microchemical Journal, 2020, 156: 104917. (通讯作者,IF=4.821) 

7. Di Zhou, Qiurong Luo, Qin Zeng, Yunchao Zheng, Xiujun Ren, Die Gao, Qifeng Fu, Kailian Zhang*, Zhining Xia, Lujun Wang*. Preparation of an aminophenylboronic acid and N-isopropyl acrylamide copolymer functionalized stationary phase for mixed-mode chromatography, Journal of Chromatography A, 2020, 1627: 461423. (通讯作者,IF=4.759)

8. Youping Yi1, Lujun Wang1, Lin Chen1, Yan Lin1, Zhongling Luo, Zhenyu Chen, Ting Li, Jianming Wu, Zhirong Zhong*. Farnesal-loaded pH-sensitive polymeric micelles provided effective prevention and treatment on dental caries, Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 2020, 18: 1-16. (共同第一作者,IF=10.435)


1. Lujun Wang, Weili Wei*, Zhining Xia*, Xu Jie, Zeng Zilu Xia. Recent advances in materials for stationary phases of mixed-mode High-Performance Liquid Chromatography. Trends in analytical chemistry. 2016, 80: 495-506. (第一作者IF=12.296, TOP期刊)

2. Xiujun Ren, Chengxia Hu, Die Gao, Qifeng Fu, Kailian Zhang, Fengjiao Zu*, Jing Zeng, Lujun Wang, Zhining Xia. Preparation of a poly(ethyleneimine) embedded phenyl stationary phase for mixed-mode liquid chromatography.Analytica Chimica Acta. 2018, 1042: 165-173. (通讯作者,IF=5.256)

3. Xiujun Ren, Kailian Zhang, Die Gao, Qifeng Fu, Jing Zeng, Di Zhou, Lujun Wang*, Zhining Xia. Mixed-mode liquid chromatography with a stationary phase co-functionalized with ionic liquid embedded C18 and an aryl sulfonate group. Journal of Chromatography A. 2018, 1564: 137-144. (通讯作者,IF=3.981)

4. Di Zhou, Jing Zeng, Qifeng Fu, Die Gao, Kailian Zhang, Xiujun Ren, Kai Zhou, Zhining Xia, Lujun Wang*. Preparation and evaluation of a reversed-phase/hydrophilic interaction/ion-exchange mixed-mode chromatographic stationary phase functionalized with dopamine-based dendrimers. Journal of Chromatography A. 2018, 1571: 165-175. (通讯作者,IF=3.981)

5. Lujun Wang*, Die Gao, Qifeng Fu, Kai Zhou, Zhining Xia*. Bioactivity-guided isolation of antioxidant compounds from Pouzolzia zeylanica (L.) benn.Pharmacognosy Magazine. 2018, 14: 444-450. (第一作者+通讯作者, IF=1.525)

6. Lujun Wang, Die Gao, Zelong Xu, Fengqing Yang, Zhining Xia*. Chemical constituents from Pouzolzia zeylanica with PPARγ and PPARβ activities. Chemistry of natural compounds. 2015, 51: 995-997. (第一作者,IF=0.473)




3.王路军等,一种基于环糊精的智能响应手性色谱填料及其制备方法和应用,发明专利,专利号:ZL 201910399510. 3(已经授权)






3. 省部共建药用资源化学与药物分子工程国家重点实验室开放课题,4万,结题,主持。

4. 四川省教育厅重点项目,18ZA0527,4万,2018/1-2020/12,结题,主持。

5. 泸州市科技局项目,05/00160096,8万,2022/1-2023/12在研,主持。

6. 西南医科大学面上项目,2021ZKMS043,10万,2022/1-2023/12,在研,主持。

7. 西南医科大学青年基金项目,2017-ZRQN-118,1万,2018/1-2019/12,结题,主持。

8. 西南医科大学青年科技人才培育计划项目,10万,2020-2022,在研,主持。

9. 西南医科大学人才启动经费,2017/01-2019/12,结题,主持。


1. 邓琴敏等,电感立方——医药领域3D打印系列电极传感产品开拓者,第九届四川省国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛铜奖,第一指导教师

2. 羊洪林、廖美芳、万美君、于馨雅、杜析壕、罗茂文、段溢潞、段溢濂,3D打印系列电极产品的制备及其传感应用,第十七届“挑战杯”四川省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛三等奖,第一指导教师

3. 代雪梅、万美君、周静秋、欧静、杨亚欣、李贞亿、林晓金、尔古鲁洪,混合模式液相色谱产品的“点击”制备及其应用,第十七届“挑战杯”四川省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛三等奖,第一指导教师

4. 郭宝仪、王笛胡、霍纪然、蓝澜、罗徐、郝思捷、杨婷、王清清、白杨、程光晖,观酒城发展新颜建两州振兴新言,第十七届“挑战杯”四川省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛红色专项活动三等奖,第一指导教师

5. 以第一指导教师指导大学生创新创业项目6项,其中国家级1项省级4项,校级1项;

6. 毕业硕士6名(其中2人获得国家奖学金);

7. 指导本科毕业论文18篇,其中,校级优秀毕业论文2篇,本科生以第一作者发表SCI论文8篇。