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夏之宁 教授 (博士生导师)(校外导师)

发布日期:2022-02-23    作者:     来源:     点击:




1. 活性天然产物:创新方法筛选中药中的活性成分;改进及应用现代制备技术从中药中获得活性单体成分;活性成分的分子、细胞及动物水平评价。

2. 药物分析化学:手性分离分析方法研究;药物亲和分析;功能化毛细管电泳分析方法的建立及应用。

3. 临床医药分析:现场、实时、便携的治疗药物监控方法开发,细胞内、活体的生物活性分子探测,手性分子识别及手性生物效应。

4. 微波化学与波谱:微波化学反应的机理、微波热与非热作用、微波在有机化学、分析化学、材料化学中的应用。



[1] D. Gao, D.D. Wang, Q. Zhang, F.Q. Yang,Z.N. Xia*, Q.H. Zhang, C.S. Yuan, In Vivo Selective Capture and Rapid Identification of Luteolin and Its Metabolites in Rat Livers by Molecularly Imprinted Solid-Phase Microextraction, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 65 (2017) 1158-1166.

[2] Q.H. Zhang, L. Zhou, H. Chen, C.Z. Wang, Z.N. Xia*, C.S. Yuan, Solid-phase microextraction technology for in vitro and in vivo metabolite analysis, Trends in Analytical Chemistry : TRAC, 80 (2016) 57-65.

[3] L.J. Wang, W.L. Wei, Z.N. Xia*, X. Jie, Z.Z.L. Xia, Recent advances in materials for stationary phases of mixed-mode high-performance liquid chromatography, Trends in Analytical Chemistry : TRAC, 80 (2016) 495-506.

[4] D. Gao, Y.L. Zhang, F.Q. Yang, F. Li, Q.H. Zhang, Z.N. Xia*, The flower of Edgeworthia gardneri (wall.) Meisn. suppresses adipogenesis through modulation of the AMPK pathway in 3T3-L1 adipocytes, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 191 (2016) 379-386.

[5] D. Gao, F.Q. Yang, Z.N. Xia*, Q.H. Zhang, Molecularly imprinted polymer for the selective extraction of luteolin from Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat, Journal of Separation Science, 39 (2016) 3002-3010.

[6] K. Zhou, Y. Zhang, Z.N. Xia*, W.L. Wei, As-prepared MoS2 quantum dot as a facile fluorescent probe for long-term tracing of live cells, Nanotechnology, 27 (2016).

[7] D. Gao, Y.L. Zhang, F.Q. Yang, Y.X. Lin, Q.H. Zhang, Z.N. Xia*, In vitro Screening and Evaluation of 37 Traditional Chinese Medicines for Their Potential to Activate Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptors-gamma, Pharmacognosy Magazine, 12 (2016) 120-127.

[8] F.Q. Wang, Q. Zhang, C.H. Li, Y.Z. Wang, Y.J. Hu, Q.H. Zhang, Z.N. Xia, F.Q. Yang, Evaluation of affinity interaction between small molecules and platelets by open tubular affinity capillary electrochromatography, Electrophoresis, 37 (2016) 736-743.

[9] Y. Pang, Y.K. Huang, F. Li, F.Q. Yang, Z.N. Xia*, Rapid screening and evaluation of antioxidants in alkaloid natural products by capillary electrophoresis with chemiluminescence detection, Analytical Methods, 8 (2016) 6545-6553.

[10] L.J. Wang, D. Gao, Z.L. Xu, F.Q. Yang, Z.N. Xia*, Chemical Constituents of Pouzolzia zeylanica with PPAR gamma and PPAR beta Activities, Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 51 (2015) 1157-1159.

[11] W. Xiao, C. Chen, Q. Zhang, Q.H. Zhang, Y.J. Hu, Z.N. Xia, F.Q. Yang, Separation Study of Eight Isoflavones by MEKC with Different Surfactants, Chromatographia, 78 (2015) 1385-1393.

[12] Q.F. Fu, X.J. Li, Q.H. Zhang, F.Q. Yang, W.L. Wei, Z.N. Xia*, A facile and versatile approach for controlling electroosmotic flow in capillary electrophoresis via mussel inspired polydopamine/polyethyleneimine co-deposition, Journal of Chromatograpy A, 1416 (2015) 94-102.

[13] L.X. Li,Z.N. Xia, J. Pawliszyn, Selective extraction and enrichment of glycoproteins based on boronate affinity SPME and determination by CIEF-WCID, Analytica chimica acta, 886 (2015) 83-90.

[14] Y.H. Zhang, Z.N. Xia*, L. Yan, S.S. Liu, Prediction of Placental Barrier Permeability: A Model Based on Partial Least Squares Variable Selection Procedure, Molecules, 20 (2015) 8270-8286.

[15] D. Gao, Y.L. Zhang, P. Xu, Y.X. Lin, F.Q. Yang, J.H. Liu, H.W. Zhu, Z.N. Xia*, In vitro evaluation of dual agonists for PPAR gamma/beta from the flower of Edgeworthia gardneri (wall.) Meisn, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 162 (2015) 14-19.

[16] X.J. Li, Q.F. Fu, Q.H. Zhang, X.M. Jiang, F.Q. Yang, W.L. Wei, Z.N. Xia*, Layer-by-layer self-assembly of polydopamine/gold nanoparticle/thiol coating as the stationary phase for open tubular capillary electrochromatography, Analytical Methods, 7 (2015) 8227-8234.

[17] C. Chen, F.Q. Yang, Q. Zhang, F.Q. Wang, Y.J. Hu, Z.N. Xia, Natural Products for Antithrombosis,Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medcine, (2015).

[18] Y.L. Zhang, Z.N. Xia*, J.H. Liu, F. Yin, Cell Signaling Mechanisms by which Geniposide Regulates Insulin-Degrading Enzyme Expression in Primary Cortical Neurons, CNS & Neurological Disorders-Drug Targets , 14 (2015) 370-377.

[19] W. Xiao, F.Q. Wang, C.H. Li, Q. Zhang, Z.N. Xia, F.Q. Yang, Determination of eight isoflavones in Radix Puerariae by capillary zone electrophoresis with an ionic liquid as an additive, Analytical Methods, 7 (2015) 1098-1103.

[20] Z.L. Xu, F.Q. Yang, L.J. Wang, J. Lu, D. Gao, W.H. Huang, Z.N. Xia*, A New gamma-Pyrone from Ampelocissus artemisiifolia, Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 50 (2014) 982-984.

[21] Q.F. Fu, F.Q. Yang, H. Chen, Z.N. Xia*, Enhancement of enantioselectivity in chiral capillary electrophoresis using hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin as chiral selector under molecular crowding conditions induced by dextran or dextrin. Electrophoresis, 2014, 35(20): 2938-2945.

[22] F. Li, R. Liu, F.Q. Yang, W. Xiao, C. Chen, Z.N. Xia*, Determination of three curcuminoids in Curcuma longa by microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography with protective effects on the analytes,Analytical Methods, 2014, 6(8): 2566-2571.

[23] Q. Gou, L.B. Favero, S.S. Bahamyirou, Z.N. Xia, W. Caminati, Interactions between Carboxylic Acids and Aldehydes: A Rotational Study of HCOOH-CH2O.Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2014, 118(45): 10738-10741.

[24] G. Feng, Q. Gou, L. Evangelisti, Z.N. Xia, W. Caminati, Conformational equilibria in carboxylic acid bimolecules: a rotational study of acrylic acid-formic acid. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2013, 15(8): 2917-2922.

[25] F.Q. Yang, J. Yang, X.M. Zhang, P. Xu, Z.N. Xia, Analysis of volatile components in Curcuma rhizome by microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography, Journal of Chromatographic Science, 2013, 51(2): 155-160.

[26] J. Du, Z.N. Xia*, Measurement of the catalytic activity of gold nanoparticles synthesized by a microwave-assisted heating method through time-dependent UV spectra,Analytical Methods, 2013, 5(8): 1991-1995.

[27] F. Li, F.Q. Yang, Z.N. Xia*, Simultaneous Determination of Ten Nucleosides and Related Compounds by MEEKC with [BMIM]PF6 as Oil Phase, Chromatographia, 2013, 76 (15-16): 1003-1011.

[28] Z.N. Xia*, Y.X. Lin, L.X. Guo, F.Q. Yang, P. Xu, Y.L. Zhang, J.H. Liu, Development of a cell-based high-throughput peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) screening model and its application for evaluation of the extracts from Rhizoma Coptis,Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 2013, 15(3): 225-234.

[29] Z.H. Li, G. Chen, S. Qiao, R.H. Liang, C. Lan, Z.N. Xia*, Design and Synthesis of Some New N-Phenylanthranilic Acids from Highly Sterically Hindered Anilines, Synthetic Communications, 2013, 43 (9): 10.

[30] H.L. Zuo, F.Q. Yang, W.H. Huang,Z.N. Xia, Preparative gas chromatography and its applications, Journal of Chromatographic Science, 2013, 51(7): 704-715.

[32] H.L. Zuo, S.J. Chen, D.L. Zhang, J. Zhao, F.Q. Yang, Z.N. Xia, Quality evaluation of natural Cordyceps sinensis from different collecting places in China by the contents of nucleosides and heavy metals, Analytical Methods, 2013, 5(20): 5450-5456.

[32] C. Chen, F.Q. Yang, H.L. Zuo, Y.L. Song, Z.N. Xia, W. Xiao, Applications of biochromatography in the screening of bioactive natural products,Journal of Chromatographic Science, 2013, 51(8): 780-790.

[33] L.X. Li, Z.N. Xia*, F.Q. Yang, H. Chen, Y.L. Zhang, Enantioselective analysis of ofloxacin enantiomers by partial-filling capillary electrophoresis with bacteria as chiral selectors, Journal of Separation Science, 2012, 35(16): 2101-2107.

[34] F.Q. Yang, R. Lv, Y.L. Zhang, andZ.N. Xia, Comparison study on nucleosides and nucleotides in edible mushroom species by capillary zone electrophoresis, Analytical Methods, 2012, 4(2): 546-549.

[35] L.X. Guo, Z.N. Xia*, X. Gao, F. Yin, J.H. Liu, Glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor plays a critical role in geniposide-regulated insulin secretion in INS-1 cells, Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 2012, 33(2): 237-241.

[36] J. Du, Z.N. Xia*, Interactions of gold nanoparticles and lysozyme by fluorescence quenching method, Analytical Letters, 2012, 45 (15): 2236-2245.

[37] P. Xu, Z.N. Xia*, Y.X. Lin, Chemical constituents from Edgeworthia gardneri (Thymelaeaceae), Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2012, 45: 148-150.

[38] Z.T. Chen, Z.B. Zhong, Z.N. Xia*, F.Q. Yang, X.J. Mu, Separation of Fluoroquinolones by MEKC Modified with Hydrophobic Ionic Liquid as a Modifier, Chromatographia, 2012, 75 (1-2): 65-70.

[39] Z.H. Li, S.Y. Xiao, R.H. Liang, Z.N. Xia*, Synthesis of 2-(arylamino)nicotinic acids in high-temperature water, Research on Chemical Intermediates, 2012, 38(7): 1691-1697.

[40] H.L. Zuo, F.Q. Yang, X.M. Zhang, Z.N. Xia, Separation of cis- and trans-Asarone from Acorus tatarinowii by Preparative Gas Chromatography, Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry, 2012, 2012: 402081.

[41] X.J. Mu, N.N. Yu, C.S. Wang, X.B. Zou, Z. Abulimite, Z.N. Xia*, Evaluation of a new substrate for measurement of serum PON arylesterase activity, Talanta, 2012, 88 :711-716.

[42] X.M. Jiang, Z.N. Xia*, L.H. Deng, W.L. Wei, J. Chen, J.M. Xu, H.Y. Li, Evaluation of Accuracy for the Measurement of Octanol-Water Partition Coefficient by MEEKC, Chromatographia, 2012, 75 (7-8): 347-352.

[43] Y. Wang, F. Li, F.Q. Yang, H.L. Zuo, Z.N. Xia, Simultaneous determination of α-, β- and γ-asarone in Acorus tatarinowii by microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography with [BMIM]PF6 as oil phase, Talanta, 2012, 101: 510-515.

[44] G. Feng, L. Evangelisti, L.B. Favero, J.U. Grabow, Z.N. Xia, W. Caminati, On the weak O-H···halogen hydrogen bond: a rotational study of CH3CHClF···H2O. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2011, 13(31): 14092-14096.

[45] F.Q. Yang, H.K. Wang, H. Chen, J.D. Chen, Z.N. Xia, Fractionation of volatile constituents from curcuma rhizome by preparative gas chromatography, Journal of Automated Methods & Management in Chemistry, 2011, 2011:942467.

[46] J. Yang, Z.N. Xia*, F.Q. Yang, R. Lv, Use of Relative Mobility to Estimate Octanol-Water Partition Coefficients of Drugs by Microemulsion Electrokinetic Chromatography, Acta Chimica Sinica, 2011, 69 (7): 810-814.

[47] Z.H. Li, Z.N. Xia*, G. Chen, Catalyst-free amination of 2-chloronicotinic acid in water under microwave irradiation,Journal of Chemical Research, 2011, (12): 709-711.

[48] K.Y. Shi, Z.N. Xia*, T.T. Gan, X.M. Jiang, C. Xia, Applications of real-time monitoring techniques in chemical synthetic ingredients, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2010, 30(2): 499-503.

[49] G.H. Chen, Z.N. Xia*, Y. Lu, Prediction of Cell-Penetrating Peptides Using both Support Vector Machine and Linear Discriminant Analysis, Acta Chimica Sinica, 2010, 68(11): 1137-1142.

[50]Z.N. Xia*, J. Yang, L.X. Li, F.Q. Yang, X.M. Jiang, Determination of Octanol-Water Partition Coefficients by MEEKC Based on Peak-Shift Assay, Chromatographia, 2010, 72 (5-6): 495-501.