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牛红 讲师

发布日期:2021-05-27    作者:     来源:     点击:



2009.09-2013.06   西北农林科技大学 生物技术 学士

2013.09-2017.06   西北农林科技大学 化学生物学 博士

2017.07-至今 西南医科大学中药炮制与制剂教研室 专任教师




(1) 四川省自然科学基金, 青年基金, 2024-01 至 2025-12, 在研

(2) 泸州市人民政府-西南医科大学科技战略合作项目,应用基础,2024-01-012026-06-01,在研

(3) 抗生素研究与再评价四川省重点实验室开放课题,2022-062024-12,在研


(1) Hongzhi Liu; Jihui Lin; Yaowu Hu; Hui Lei; Qian Zhang; Xiaoyu Tao; Dan Zhang; Hong Niu ;

DESAssisted Extraction of Pectin from Ficus carica Linn. peel: Optimization, Partial Structure

Characterization, Functional and Antioxidant Activities, Journal of the Science of Food and

Agriculture, 2024,

(2) Wenyi, Jiang; Yibo, Hu; Xiu, Yang; Lingli, Hou; Jingjing, Zhang; Hong, Niu; Congxia, Hu; Jihui, Lin;

Breakthrough infection and reinfection in patients with mpox, Reviews In Medical Virology, 2024,34(2):1-8.

(3) Yao Jiang; Feifei Liu; Dan Zhang; Xiujuan Fu; Siwei Chen; Mei Wei; Zhi Li; Hui Lei; Hong Niu; Identification of Novel -Glucosidase Inhibitors from Syzygium jambos (L.) Using Spectroscopy and Molecular Docking, Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 2023, 79: 73-82.

(4) Can Song; Feihong Huang; Linyu Liu; Quan Zhou; Dan Zhang; Qi Fang; Hui Lei; Hong Niu; Characterization and prebiotic properties of pectin polysaccharide from Clausena lansium (Lour.) Skeels fruit, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2022, 194: 412-421.

(4) Yao Wang; Dan Zhang; Ming Jia; Xiu Zheng; Yan Liu; Chenglong Wang; Fenting Lei; Hong Niu; Li Chunhong; ZIF-8 nanoparticles coated with macrophage-derived microvesicles for sustained,targeted delivery of dexamethasone to arthritic joints, Journal of Drug Targeting, 2022, 30(9):1006-1016.

(5) Lei, Hui; Zhang, Dan; Ding, Nan; Chen, Siwei; Song, Can; Luo, Yu; Fu, Xiujuan; Bi, Xiaoxu; Niu, Hong; New cytotoxic natural products from the marine sponge-derived fungus Pestalotiopsis sp. by epigenetic modification, RSC Advances, 2020, 10(62): 37982-37988.

(6) Niu Hong; Song Dan; Mu Haibo; Zhang Wuxia; Sun, Feifei; Duan Jinyou*; Investigation of three lignin complexes with antioxidant and immunological capacities from Inonotus obliquus, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2016, 86: 587-593.

(7) Niu Hong; Song Dan; Sun Yueling; Zhang Wuxia; Mu Haibo; Duan Jinyou*Preparation and sulfation of an alpha-glucan from Actinidia chinensis roots and their potential activities, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2016, 92: 981-987.


E-mail: 2446532115@qq.com